September 8, 2009

doggy wisdom

The Art of Racing in the Rain
Garth Stein, © 2008

fiction; 320 pages

I'm back! After taking off the summer months from posting (not reading), I'm back to tell you about the latest book I've read. I can't remember where I read a review about this book, but what captured my attention was that the narrator of the story is a dog.

Sure enough, Enzo (a retriever, terrier mix) tells you the story of his owner's family and life. Denny is a professional race car driver, think sooped up Porsches and Ferraris not NASCAR, who marries the love of his life and has a daughter as well. While their child is still young and Denny's racing career is blossoming, the wife slowly dies from brain cancer. If this wasn't bad enough, unsuspecting villains emerge to make the reader really care about Denny and his struggle as a single parent.

Stein does a great job of mixing in great wisdom from a dog's perspective while fully developing his characters. It is a quick fun read.

read it

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