September 25, 2009


No One Belongs Here More Than You
Miranda July; ©2007
Fiction; 224pgs

This set of short stories was recommended to me by a new found friend. There was a slight amount of trepidation experienced about the prospect of reading this book. My familiarity with Miranda July was slight. I had seen Miranda July's award winning film, You, Me and Everyone We Know. Though it didn't exactly knock me flat, I enjoyed it. It was a unique perspective to be certain. So, while I thought I would most likely enjoy the book, the amount of praise heaped atop the collection was slightly unsettling.

Upon reading the first story, I was hooked. July's voice, though somewhat constant and similar throughout the series, was devastatingly effective. Though I've never seen her art showcases, the theme of the book as well as her film, is one of loneliness and disconnectedness. For all the personal isolation, these stories are simple tales with strong undercurrents of optimism. With bouts of savage hilarity and cutting depth, this is great set of stories.


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