March 19, 2009


The Leisure Seeker
Michael Zadoorian, © 2009
Realistic Fiction; 270 pages

Pagan Kennedy had this to say about the book, "Is it possible to outrun death and take one last vacation? That's the fascinating premise of Zadoorian's terrific novel, in which an octogenarian husband and wife flee their doctors and take to the highway. She's dying of cancer, he's so Alzheimered that he can't remember her name. Nonetheless, they gun the gas on their RV and rev into a madcap blur along Route 66. Zadoorian has done no less than reinvent the American road story. These Easy Riders - drugged up on meds, desperately in need of their naps, and determined to enjoy every last moment - are some of the most memorable characters I've ever met on the page."

I read this book while on my own road trip with Cara to Taos, New Mexico. It is a very touching story that I was easily able to relate to in many ways such as the love of the road and the ups and downs of lifelong partnership. It spurred me to reflect on the truly important things that I'd like to carry into my golden years...memories, photos, friends, family, and the desire and ability to keep traveling.

read it

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